How to Create More Storage Space in Your Home
There is a problem most homes share, no matter how big or small they might be, and that is a lack of storage space. Even when we feel like everything is under control, things could quickly turn sour, raising the need for some creative storage ideas. Luckily, there are plenty of solutions that might be unexpected but very useful, as well as some packing tips that will make decluttering and organizing smoother and stress-free. So, here is how you can utilize what you already have and create some additional space within your lovely home.
Before you create more storage space, hit the decluttering button
Searching for new and creative ways to create more storage space in your home will not do the trick unless your area has been previously decluttered. By getting rid of unwanted and unneeded things, you will give you home a breath of fresh air. However, decluttering is not a one-time thing. You should try and do it at least annually. As much as we try not to, over time, we naturally accumulate things. So, before you become a storage wizard, you must do your best to declutter your living space.
What to do with unwanted clutter?
Before you start storing away items that you actually need, you will need to eliminate those that you don’t. You should donate everything you can. Get some good karma under your belt while helping those less fortunate. Items that your friends and relatives admire can be gifted to them. At the same time, some things can be recycled. Do your best to create as less waste as possible.
Do some parts of your home look like this? If they do, it is time to take some serious storage action.
Roll up your sleeves and dive into new storage hacks
Now that you have prepped for this venture, you can start taking steps towards a clutter-free and spacious environment. Here are some tips and advice on how you can create more storage space in your home. But, not only that. There are ways that you can pack items so that you don't waste any valuable time nor energy. Not to mention that storing mementos properly is important, as well as any other sentimental items that are valuable or dear to your heart.
Play around with shelves
Animating your bedroom walls with shelves is a great storing option for books and other knick-knacks, and other rooms aren’t an exception. Shelves are a great storage furniture option that can be placed in your dining room. Your bathroom and kitchen are also fair game. Almost all rooms in the house can use some lovely shelves. They are a great way to make use of vertical space and leave the floor available. The great news is that there are shelves in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. This way, you can keep your décor ideas on point. There is no need to sacrifice your home vibe for storage.
Baskets are great items to place on shelves, where you can store smaller belongings.
Clear plastic bins are your best friend during this process
Plastic bins are an excellent option for in-home storage. They can fit under and on top of furniture and can be put in any room, including your garage, attic, and basement. They are practical not only because they are great for storage, but also because they are see-through. Hence, you can quickly locate things that you need. If you would like, you can take things to the next level with labeling - label bins with items that are in them for an easier find.
Watch the proximity
You can create more storage space, but if you don’t pack properly, it will not do you much good. Items that aren’t frequently used can be stored in a place that is less accessible to you. For instance, that blender that you use once in a blue moon can be put away somewhere high in your cabinets. On the other hand, your coffeemaker and other appliances you use every day can stay on the counter. Therefore, before you pack, think twice. During packing and decluttering, it is easy to get distracted and make unwise choices.
Use vertical space for storage
If you are looking to create more storage space in your home, vertical surfaces are the untapped treasure you were searching for. Many vertical areas are often left untouched. Some of them are:
- The insides of closet doors
- Walls in the kitchen, bathroom and other rooms
- Back of cabinet doors
This way, you will clear up more floor space. Consequently, you will avoid bumping into items. Your place will start to breathe again with more free areas. After all, living simple and without extra clutter is one of the healthy living tips that you should certainly follow.
Sometimes, out-of-home storage is the perfect solution
Indeed, your focus should be mainly on creating more storage space within your home. However, not at all costs. Sometimes, no matter how persistent and creative you are, there just isn’t a solution within your own home. Similarly, you might have a large item like a piece of large furniture that you need to store. Naturally, for such a thing, you will not have enough space within your living area. That is why renting a storage unit can be a great solution to your problem. Still, we must emphasize that opting for a storage facility shouldn’t discourage you from decluttering. Don’t do anything that will support your potential hoarding tendencies.
Built cabinets all the way up to the ceiling
Ladies, you will love this tip for creating more storage space in your home. Build or purchase cabinets that leave no space between them and the ceiling. Not only will you have additional storage space for items that you use less frequently, but you will also eliminate the need for dusting on top of cabinets. Now that is what we call a win-win situation.
If you are looking to utilize every inch of your home, custom made furniture is the way to go. Kitchen furniture is a great place to start.
In the end…
It is all about finding creative ways on how to produce more storage space for your favorite things. Let’s be honest, very often we have a hard time parting with our belongings, so you should definitely try to master all of these tips and tricks on easy storage within your home. Otherwise, you might find yourself on the next episode of Hoarders.